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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Don't like this gig :(

I don't like this gig of being a teacher and a mum of the same school. (Yes, I will have to "suck it up princess", as at this stage I have no intention to change as it is just so convenient to have us at the same school)

Firstly, it makes it far too easy for people to tell me about the naughty/bad/inappropriate things my little man does. It is also far too easy for little people to do the same thing.  Take for instance the little girl who this afternoon propped herself down on the grass where I was sitting watching Callum at Auskick. She proceeded to tell me what a naughty boy Callum was, how he was always hurting his friends in class. She wanted to know where he was, as if checking that he might hear her. (He did come up and ask me why I was talking to her.)

Then there is the problem of seeing children treat your child in a way that makes your blood boil. Callum was on the football field, having a moment, when two boys (one in yr 4 & one in yr 5) thought it would be funny to jump over him, but give him a kick as they went. Not once, but at least three times. Knowing full well that I was sitting there, in my uniform just as they were in their school uniform. I know the two boys, so they know I am a teacher at the school.

It makes my blood boil because it's an after school activity on the school grounds. I'm in a tricky position - can I really reprimand kids for what I think is inappropriate behaviour towards my kid as a parent or as a teacher. I'd already reprimanded one of them for his use of inappropriate language - perhaps that's why he took it out on my kid?? Also, being a teacher at the school and knowing these children, I also know of their parents. They would have no problem making a complaint about me speaking to their child - as either a parent or a teacher.

I'm sure there will be many more times that I will feel like this. It's just another thing to add to my list of things I need to let go to the keeper!

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