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Thursday, February 26, 2015

That's not living!

It is a good thing that little man is so cute! His one liners are certainly keeping the staff entertained at school.  I learned a little story about him during the week, I would have just died of embarrassment but his teacher thinks he was cute. The class was sitting on the carpet going through their morning routine, when Callum announced (rather loudly) "Not this again! This isn't living, I want to live!!"

He really doesn't watch a lot of TV, but the little he does watch sticks with him. He is quoting a scene in "Wall-E". Wall-E must have made quite an impression on him. Just before school started this year, Callum began saying "What the?".  It was never followed by another word (thankfully) and we wondered where it had come from. Then watching Wall-E over the holidays, we heard it - when Mary's hover chair gets switched off and she sees the actual ship.

I much prefer his scripting of Wall-E. We got "Mr Popper's Penguins" for Christmas. He loves to script the scene where the penguin comes out of the bathroom it has been swimming in, and poops on Jim Carey's character.

What is it about boys and toilet humor??!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

It's gonna be a long year

It's amazing that out of 700 odd kids in a shed for assembly, I can recognise one voice! Mind you, everyone else was pretty quiet when that one little voice decided to yell out. I can't even remember what he was yelling out, such was my embarrassment that all my colleagues would recognise that one voice too.
It's going to take a while for me to be able to sit at the back of the assembly, I just can't drag myself away yet to not be able to see him. (I sit on the other side of the shed, so that's a start!) It's going to take me a long time (let's be honest, I will NEVER achieve this) to not worry about what other people think, particularly about my son.  In his short time on this planet (and my relatively short time as a mother) we have already had to deal with our fair share of people's uneducated opinions about our child - about how they think they are observing a naughty child and how we should raise him.
So not only is it going to be a huge learning curve for my boy, but one for me also. Letting him be his own person and realising that these things will happen as they make up the beautiful person he is.
I spoke to my husband about assembly this arvo - I wish I could have his outlook on life. I told him all about my embarrassment and how he had to be spoken to a few times. My husband's response - "Did he stand up and expose himself?"  Me - "God NO!"  Husband - "Well he doesn't take after his father, nothing to worry about."  WHAT?? I've been married to this man for 22 years, it's the first I've heard of it! Lord help me, if that ever happens, I'll not only be down the back of the shed, I'll probably be half way down the road, and I won't know a single thing about what anyone else thinks! Bahahahahaha! :)

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

What a week!

So last week, like so many other children across Queensland, my little man started Prep.  He was so excited, we were so excited.  Callum completed a 'Prep for Prep' course just two weeks before school started. (He blitzed that).  He wasn't too keen on photos before we went to school, but he relented and let us get a few. He just wanted to get going.
He had packed a lovely gift box for his teacher - full of teacher essentials - hair ties for little girls, clips to hold pages of work, pens, bandaids for those little emergencies, post it notes (the heart shaped ones because he LOVES his teacher) and flavoured coffee. We had to deliver that straight away.
A little wait in Mum's classroom and then it was time to go and line up.  Callum took off straight away with his teacher and left his parents behind. He put all his things away and then went to the carpet to read a book. Not a tear in sight.
He continues to happily leave his mother far behind when he walks to his class in the morning, completes all his jobs and sends me on my way. There are a few little people who are upset when their parents drop them off in the morning. Callum asks me why they aren't excited to be at big school like he is.
He received two playground awards in the first week. We were thrilled. And then on Saturday I checked my work emails. There, staring back at me from the screen was an email from his teacher sent Friday afternoon. Apparently little man has been lashing out when sitting on the carpet, pushing, laying on the classmates around him. I wondered why he walked out with a beanbag cube the other day when I picked him up at home time. Apparently he has been given the cube to try and keep his hands busy and to himself, so far it hadn't been working.
My week was crushed! We've had a discussion, told little man that he needs to use his words and ask to use his rolling pin or big smash cushions when he needs that extra sensory input. He is also under threat of losing his iPad for the weekend if I get another email like that this Friday. (So far, he tells me - 2 days - that he has been using the cube and being a good boy.)
But, apart from that hiccup, it was a great first week. He is still so excited to go and comes home excited about his day. We have a challenge at our school to ask our children "What did you learn today?" I ask this of Callum and his response is - "I learned lots of stuff." So then I have to ask him to be more specific and choose one thing that he can tell me about. According to Callum the only work he does is trains. (I sure hope that isn't true, he used to say the same thing about Kindy and I was assured that he did lots of other stuff.)