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Friday, January 10, 2014

What time do you call this then??

Friday is garbage collection day. Today is Friday. Every Friday Callum MUST watch the garbage bins being emptied, it has become his Friday morning routine. We are not allowed to go to Daycare until he has seen the truck/s. Today is the 2 bin day - rubbish and recycling. The rubbish truck came at the normal time - sometime before 7am. Usually the recycling truck follows a short time after. Usually we are leaving for Daycare/work by about 7.15am. Today the recycling truck has only just arrived at 9am! This is OK while I'm on holidays, but I'm back at work in two weeks - work starts at 8:20am. Let's hope today was a one off. I don't like the idea of starting my weekends with a meltdown because the truck didn't get here on time :(

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