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Friday, October 31, 2014

I have an email to write!

supermarket gingerbread train                                        
LEGO monster train
We went shopping tonight, you know just the essentials - milk and bread, but those shopping giants are clever. Right there at the front door on a huge table, with big "Special $4" signs were the gingerbread Ghost Train kits.

You might recall my previous post about baking and the gingerbread Christmas Train that started it all.

Callum could not go past this stand.  In fact, I was able to go back outside and get a trolley while he stood there, lovingly holding the box and examining every detail. "Please Mummy can we get the Lego Monster Train?" We don't celebrate Halloween in our house, so I was happy that he wanted to make the LEGO train. It does look similar.

"We have to wait until it is dark Mummy, it's the scary night." Nothing gets past this kid. We have settled that we will make it tomorrow, when we have more time. We have read through all the instructions and are pretty impressed that this kit comes with a tray to help keep the gingerbread pieces in the right position. Something that the Christmas train kit did not.

I have an email to send to the Create a Treat company. They don't even have this train on their website in the Halloween section (it wasn't in Valentine, Christmas, Easter or Frosted Cookies either!). We know about the Christmas train, but I need to let them know, that for the train obsessed Junior Master Chef, we need a train to cover all the special days.

They could just have a plain train and we could decorate it ourselves for each holiday. January - Australia Day, February - Valentine's Day, March - St Patrick's Day, April - Easter, September - birthday, October - Monster Lego, December - Christmas!

I could become their best customer!

1 comment:

  1. Good idea. A plain train! I wonder if Callum will ever get sick of trains?
