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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Don't we all love positive feedback?!

Today as I picked up Callum from daycare, one of his teachers came over to me, telling me about how he has almost had her in tears these last 2 days. Daycare has set up a 'Bob the builder'corner - bit like home corner for the kids to play in. Apparently Callum is loving this and has been initiating play with the other kids in this area. Callum goes and gets everyone a hard hat to wear. Today he even gave the dolls and his teacher one. He has also been playing with a big ball and rolling it to another child and taking turns, waiting for the other child to roll it back to him. He has also been asking for more bread at lunch time - actually using the word bread. It must have been the cutest thing - apparently he was sitting at the lunch table waiting to say grace, with his hands pressed together singing kumbya. He still shouts hooray when grace has ended but they accept this as a compliment and not Callum being disrespectful. The initiating play is a big thing, and she was so proud of how far he has come along in his interactions with the other children and how quickly his skills are improving.

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