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Saturday, August 4, 2012

And so it begins...

Walked into daycare yesterday to pick Callum up, and there were three little boys being times out in the baby yard. Thought nothing of it other than, thank goodness Callum isn't in the mix. greeted Callum and was called over by the educator who marched the 3 boys out and asked them what did they want to say to Callum, all 3 chimed "sorry Callum" at which time Callum had burst into tears. Apparently he had been playing happily and the 3 had set up on him in the back corner and were being very nasty to him - pushing, shoving, hitting, teasing. They had to stay in time out until their mother's arrived so they could be told what they ahd done. And so it begins...the life I didn't want for my son is coming to fruition already - being picked on because he is different. How do I stop this self fulfilling prophecy??

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