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Monday, May 23, 2011

Sleeping positions

Callum always amazes me with his sleeping positions - he's a bit like Bangles (our cat). He has always been like this. He moves around so much in his sleep, I can hear him now banging up against the side of the cot, obviously willing it to make way for his arms and legs. From the time we brought Callum home from hospital, he made it quite clear to us that in his book, you do not need to sleep on your back. We used a wedge and Callum slept on his side. We would rotate him and swap his sides each time we laid him down to sleep. (to make sure he didn't get a flat head) Now this is apparently a very big no no according to "the book". We had a proper baby wedge that he fit into snuggly, there was no danger of him rolling over onto his belly (apparently that is one of the concerns about bub sleeping on their side) and he couldn't move all over his cot. He slept very comfortably and so did we. We would sometimes find that he had wiggled onto his back. Now he sleeps on his belly all the time and we put him on his back to start! When we finally get his bed organised it will be interesting to see how many times we find him asleep on the floor, or standing next to our bed! :)

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