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Monday, May 2, 2011


My gorgeous little man is sleeping, he has been for a couple of hours now. "According" to the book, he should be having 2 naps a day (morning and afternoon), perhaps getting to the age of dropping to one sleep. Callum has only ever had one nap a day - they are 3 hours long! Sleep has been an ongoing issue with his checkups. He doesn't follow the book - he doesn't go to bed at 7pm and get up at 7am, has only ever done that once (I think he was about 4 months old). He goes to bed just before 8pm and gets up anywhere between 6 - 7 am. He used to go to bed at 9pm and get up between 6-7am. I was told by a child health nurse that Callum's brain would not be developing properly because he wasn't sleeping correctly (having day naps & sleeping 12 hrs each night). This caused me a lot of stress, I worried about his brain, I worried that he wouldn't make his milestones, I worried I wasn't being a good mum. I tried different methods of getting him to sleep during the day, read the books on sleeping and babies. When I finally stopped stressing about it - Callum seemed to relax and settled into his own sleeping pattern, which works for us. He has had this pattern since he was about 8 months old. He doesn't have a set time exactly when he goes down for his day nap - it depends on what he has been doing during the morning. If he has been very active he might go down before 11am, if he's had a relaxed morning, he might go down after 12pm.

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