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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Maybe I do have patience afterall

Yesterday I went to seminar on transitioning to Prep for ASD students. It was being presented by two ladies whom I have come to know well (they made a joke about me being a frequent flyer and requested if they have a loyalty card! :)

I was reminded that you can never rush a person with ASD. (One of the ladies favourite sayings, reminding us parents that organisation is key.) I thought I had followed all Callum's rituals for the morning and so was trying to move him out the door and off to Kindy.

Just as I got to the front door, Callum told me that he wanted to read his book to me. This is an A3 book that he made at his ECDP class of nursery rhymes. "Sure honey, that would be great." So he promptly sang all the nursery rhymes in his book - all 5 of them, complete with velcro parts that have to be acted out. (Imagine 5 speckled frogs that all have to take their turn jumping off the log.)

When he got to the end, he returned to the front cover and named all the pictures. He stopped at one delightful picture of a woman (imagine Mary Poppins) holding a gardening fork. "What's that song Mummy?"  "Mary, Mary Quite Contrary."  "That's not in the book, the picture has to come off!"

Luckily I was able to persuade him that the picture could stay and we were able to leave the house. I must remember to hide that book tonight. :)

1 comment:

  1. Makes sense though. Why would the picture be there if it's not in the book? :)
